Detailed Notes on metafora

Detailed Notes on metafora

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Arti: Uang tutup mulut artinya uang suap atau uang yang sengaja diberikan agar seseorang tidak membocorkan suatu hal yang biasanya ilegal.

, penagih utang, orang atau badan tidak resmi yang membebani bunga pinjaman yang sangat tinggi kepada pihak peminjam uang.

A metaphor asserts the objects during the comparison are equivalent on The purpose of comparison, whilst a simile simply asserts a similarity via use of words like like or as. Because of this a common-style metaphor is normally viewed as far more forceful than a simile.[fourteen][fifteen]

Danes vemo, da pomena ni mogoče določiti zunaj konteksta in zato tudi metafore ne. Substitucijski design metafore se v teoriji še zmeraj ohranja, ima svoje zagovornike in nasprotnike.

"Sugerimos que estos entornos costeros turbios pueden proporcionar cierto refugio frente al cambio climático, pero estos arrecifes necesitarán un estatus de alta conservación para mantenerse cerca de poblaciones humanas densas", advirtieron los autores.

Fundamento: la similitud entre la forma de una soga con un nudo y la sensación de tener la garganta cerrada (hecha un nudo) por la angustia.

Cognitive linguists emphasize that metaphors serve to aid the understanding of one particular conceptual area—usually an abstraction for instance "daily life", "theories" or "ideas"—by way of expressions that relate to a different, much more acquainted conceptual area—normally extra concrete, like "journey", "structures" or "foodstuff".

Se enfocaron en dos hábitats en Malasia: el arrecife turbio de Sakar y el de aguas claras de Blue Lagoon. En los arrecifes turbios, menos del ten% de las colonias sufrieron el blanqueamiento, mientras que en los de aguas claras, un promedio de un 37% de las colonias coralinas se blanquearon.

Artwork theorist Robert Vischer argued that when we glance at a painting, we "sense ourselves into it" by imagining our body within the posture of a nonhuman or inanimate object while in the portray. For instance, the painting The Lonely Tree by Caspar David Friedrich displays a tree with contorted, barren limbs.

Razvila se je v prvi polovici twenty. stoletja, za njenega začetnika pa je razglašen I. A. Richards, ki je v svoji razpravi Metaphor (1936) uvedel novo razumevanje metafore in prelomil z retoričnim pojmovanjem metafore, saj metafore ne pojmuje več kot jezikovni odklon ali okras, temveč kot ubeseditev dveh idej, ki delujeta istočasno. O metafori lahko po Richardsu govorimo tedaj, ko »imamo dve misli o različnih stvareh, ki delujeta hkrati in se naslanjata na eno besedo ali izraz, smisel pa je rezultat njunega medsebojnega učinkovanja« . Za člena metafore je predlagal izraza tenor in automobile. Metafora je postavljena v predikacijo in obravnavana v kontekstu; tako je postala nekakšna mala zgodba za izražanje misli, čustev in domišljije.

Sociologists of faith Notice the importance of metaphor in here spiritual worldviews, and that it is difficult to Feel sociologically about religion without the need of metaphor.[55]

Beyond the globe of George R.R. Martin’s Activity of Thrones, it would be somewhat tricky to locate somebody with an real hand fabricated from iron. However, we are still capable of interpret that metaphor as that means somebody that is difficult and weighty-handed on governance.

Erika Kržišnik: »Metafore« v katerih govorimo v slovenščini frazeološko - konceptualnometaforična analiza frazemov govorenja.

es un recurso de la lengua mediante el cual hacemos referencia a un elemento o palabra sin llegar a nombrarlo de manera clara y directa.

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